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Ready to get ahead of the competition and build a loyal customer base? MiniTrencher has always followed its motto with products that decrease labor costs while increasing profits. With the rising cost of labor and the challenges of finding qualified employees, your customers cannot afford not to have these tools in their arsenal.
Join the MiniTrencher team by offering your customers the solution they have been looking for. Â Fill out our dealer questionnaire.
Why should you offer GeoRipper®?
- GeoRipper® gives you a "cutting edge" over your competitors.
- GeoRipper® compliments larger trenchers by getting into those areas your customers can't or don't want to use a large walk-behind trencher.
- GeoRipper® minitrenchers are available as The GeoRipper® with a powerhead designed to dig in rocky, clay soils, GeoRipper®T/A Trenching Attachment, and for those that are looking for a "greener" alternative GeoRipper® e/B that includes a battery powered motor.
Why should you offer SiBoreâ„¢ Drill?
- Saves your customers time and money. Less than 5 minutes from start to finish with no need to replace concrete when you go under it. Did we mention there is no mud and water, making clean-up a breeze?
- Customers can add extensions to bore under wider surfaces and
bore at different angles: up, down, left, and right - You can help your customers streamline their workflow with a multipurpose tool with the GeoRipper® / SiBore™ Package. One tool with multiple applications.